So you want to inspect your printer’s ink level at interval by removing it to avoid your ink running out! How to Disable Toner Cartridge Electronic Chipsĭifferent printers have unique ways to turning their electronic chips off. If you disable your printer’s memory chip from collecting your printer usage information, you can continue using your printer even if the toner or ink is finished.
To bypass your toner or ink chip you can do any of four things. So how do you make your printer work? Bypassing Printer Chip Errors Your printer won’t work if you need to print black text but your yellow ink is “empty.” So the chip erroneously reads “empty” even if you have ink in your printer. The chip has no link between its ink reading and the actual ink levels in the printer. You’d find this anomaly in Canon models CLI-521, PGI-520, CLI-8, PGI-650, or HP OfficeJet Pro and HP ENVY, and many other printers.
Refilling most ink tanks or toner cartridges do not reset their gauge levels in their software. These chips track the number of papers you’ve printed out and store other information related to your printing. Almost all office-grade printers in the market from 2003 onward carry an electronic chip.